Monday, August 02, 2010

Shakes And Custards

I'm probably going to become a very fat person. I will if I don't watch it.

In the last couple of days I've had a big shake from a place, Steak 'n Shake, which was very good. Too good, in fact, because they can't be good for you. Nothing that good can be good for you. Alas, one of the facts of life.

I also had a custard malt from another place, which was also very good. I've never had any kind of custard in my life, that I know of. I hate the sound of the word. It reminds me too much of General Custer and bastards. You're calling Custer a bastard and that I don't like.

I met a guy named Custer somewhere in the last four months. And he said to me, "Like the general." Glomming on to the general? Bastard.

I've got to really watch it on the shakes and bastards ... because I don't want my fat to get out of hand.