Friday, May 30, 2008

Spiritual Technology For A New Aeon

An interesting looking blog, Augoeides, Spiritual Technology for a New Aeon.

By a guy, who says, "I am a Thelemite and ritual magician who has been practicing for more than 25 years. I have a degree in experimental psychology from Saint Olaf College, a well-regarded Lutheran school that has a surprisingly good collection of Aleister Crowley's work, and have been involved in Ordo Templi Orientis since 1995 and Masonry since 1997. In the mundane world, I have worked as a software developer since 1992."

First thing I see, looks like he thinks meditation is simple and right-there-already for you. Instead of having to pay out big bucks to get started What follows is a quote:
  1. Sit comfortably with your spine straight. Cross-legged is fine, Lotus is better if you can do it - but don't wreck your knees.

  2. Pick a mantra, a simple sound that you can repeat over and over again. The classic "AUM" will work fine for this.

  3. Close your eyes and begin repeating the mantra.

  4. Do this for twenty minutes every day.
"Now aren't you glad you read this blog? If you're interested in trying out the technique I just saved you $2500!"

That's a refreshing approach (getting back to me, end of his quote).

I see magick, witchcraft, Llelwellyn stuff, Beliefnet, Thelema (hate to say, I've heard of that but have no idea what it is,) Kabbalah, mysticism.