Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Daily Snipe

Does it seem that the McCain campaign is doing nothing but sniping at every little thing? Each day when we get the news, it consists of the same thing: Obama has done or said something, and McCain criticizes it, whatever it is.

Whether it's how he finances his campaign, who his advisers are, what he says about terrorism, what he has for lunch -- it's something for McCain to gripe about, whine about, and to act offended over.

As for financing Obama's campaign, McCain's gripe is that Obama made some sort of 'solemn pledge' to tie one hand behind his back. The 'solemn pledge,' of course, was no such thing, and whatever it really was, it was all contingent on negotiations and certain understandings. But throughout the campaign thus far, McCain has mucked around with his financing to the point that whatever integrity it may have started out with (may have started out with), it's long gone, evaporated, floated away...McCain is simply trying to force parity in the money they have to spend. It's transparent and pathetic.

So McCain has to try to score points by acting offended, acting the aggrieved party to a 'solemn pledge,' i.e., just posturing and lying. (Haven't we had enough of liars for the last eight years? I know I have.)

The truth is Obama is going to get more contributions than McCain. But it's a lot of smaller contributions, which as far as I can tell is public financing. Duh.

I can't stand McCain -- that ought to be obvious. But he would be a lot more tolerable if he were running a positive campaign. Stick to the issues and quit the daily carping, the daily sniping.