Monday, August 11, 2008

Cokie Roberts Thinks Hawaii is "Foreign"

A tip of the hat to "Hope Reborn's" diary at Daily Kos, with some great pictures.

John McCain has been trying to paint true American Barack Obama as "foreign," and now he's getting some help from Cokie Roberts. Obama was born in Hawaii and went there for his vacation. He has family there. She calls this a bad move, because Hawaii is "foreign."

So, one of the United States is actually foreign? 50 states, right? 50 stars on the flag, right? All about the same size? Not 49 regular stars and one tiny one with an asterisk. This is absurd.

"Hope Reborn" has some great pictures, videos, and things, including one of a memorial to Pearl Harbor. You might recall, Pearl Harbor wasn't "foreign" in 1941. We went to war right after it was attacked.

Cokie, such a tool.