Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'd Hate To Be McChrystal

I get very nervous if I have a big challenge the next day.

I don't get "called on the carpet" very often, but there are occasionally challenges that have to be faced, unpleasant meetings, etc.

When that happens, I'm very queasy, thinking through the various issues, what will become of me if, God forbid, worse comes to worse. It makes for a bad night the night before.

Now, we have General McChrystal, who stepped in it big time. He's in the news. Everyone's talking about him. He has to go to some big meeting with the Afghanistan war team at the White House. Everyone's going to notice him there, since he should still be in Afghanistan doing his normal duty. Then he has a one on one meeting with the President, who's of course could to fillet him alive. That would be nerve-wracking for me.

What can you say? When every eye is on you, and you're being called on the carpet for making a major boo boo. I would say, "Why didn't you have the intelligence to keep your big yap shut? You didn't know Rolling Stone was a major magazine with a fairly wide readership? You idiot!"

He definitely deserves to be fired. I sincerely believe in the civilian leadership of the military. And if the military leaders are guilty of insubordination, or anyone in the military, they need to be dealt with swiftly and with rigor. We cannot have that kind of behavior.

And I would feel the same way no matter who was Commander in Chief. When you are Commander in Chief, that's not just a ceremonial title, it's the fact of the matter. If you disrespect the Commander in Chief, whether you're a general or a private, you deserve what you get.

I'd hate to be McChrystal. Such a moron.