Friday, June 18, 2010

More Crazy, Crazy Trees

10 or 11 days ago I wrote about trees.

I know more about trees now than I did then, since I've been dealing with them that much longer.

My baseline conclusion is that trees ultimately have no worries, because they're going to plant themselves and grow until the end of time.

The little trees all over my yard are like a plague that can't be contained. I cut them down and they sprout back up.

I'm checking out the occasional seedling that I pull up entirely, and it has a few false starts, like when it grew and I whacked it down. It just takes off again where it left off, sprouting again.

It's irritating me to no end, but I have a renewed appreciation of that Bible verse about "a root from the seed of Jesse" or however it goes, a shoot from the roots, or renewed growth coming out of a stump. Trees simply don't want to give up!