Friday, November 19, 2010

God Hates Oklahoma

The holiest, most righteous church on Earth, everyone's favorite, the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, is now picketing the funerals of children who happen to die in Oklahoma.

Why Oklahoma? Because at some point in the last few weeks they were in Oklahoma and someone slashed their tires. Because of this person (or persons), they've come to a new conclusion, reflected on their signs, according to this article, that "God Hates Oklahoma."

That's hilarious. God hates Oklahoma? I've been there a couple times, and I'm not that crazy about it either. No, seriously, it wasn't bad. I had a nice time there.

Oklahoma gave us Carrie Underwood and Merle Haggard's song about Muskogee. It can't be all bad.

The article is apparently true. It only sounds like something hilarious. God hates Oklahoma because these guys got their tires slashed. I wonder what He'll do if something worse happens. We might all be in for an asteroid attack. LOL.