Monday, July 20, 2009

Old Photos

I was looking at some old pictures of me. There's one where my mom and dad are sitting on a couch and I'm sitting on my mom's lap. She's pregnant with the first brother after me.

I can't remember just thinking about it where everyone's hands are, etc. But I was looking at them, thinking, The same hands as now.

Of course they're the same hands ... but what all they've done. They're typing this right now. And plenty of other stuff.

On the one hand (no pun intended), the molecules and tissues have all shifted about and renewed, so they're not precisely the same hands. But let's say I would've lost my index finger when I was 1½, which is about what I am in the picture. My hand would still be missing that finger. So there, they're the same hands.

It's great to see yourself from decades ago ... everyone's alive and young.