Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sacred Journey, My Ass

I went into a sacred journey store yesterday. I was kind of enthusiastic about it. But then just looking at the stuff, I got a fairly empty feeling, not quite queasy but just empty.

One, no one there really seemed like they were on any kind of sacred journey, but maybe they were... who knows?

Two, even if they were they were just there to sell trinkets, rain sticks, and other garbage. Although I must say, I do like the sounds that rain sticks make. But in all the times I've been looking at them I still haven't bought one yet. I am tempted.

You see tie-dyed wall hangings and stuff, and I'm kind of in the mood for that, but none of it grabbed me. I was waiting around for the inner light and my mind to say "this is it," but it didn't happen.

I shouldn't judge, but I do. As far as I'm concerned, there wasn't anything sacred about it.