Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Expandable Gravesite

I went by a graveyard today that is my least favorite kind of graveyard, the kind where the stones are lying on the ground, flat. I like the stand-up ones better, so you can see them from the road.

I would much rather have a stand-up one than a flat one, even those the flat ones are handier for the guy who mows the yard, so whom I would say, "What do we care what you want? You want a job, you'll mow around the stand-up ones!"

I was thinking of the kind that would be cool, an expandable tombstone. You buy maybe 40 plots. Then you put your tombstone right in the middle. It's about the normal height, but has some wires and rebar sitting out the top, left there for future expansion.

You put some money in an account, then trust your relatives to spend the interest on the expansion efforts. They build up, out, across, down, so your tombstone looks like a big piece of modern art by the time they're done, if they ever get done.