Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween Candy

I've eaten way too much Halloween candy.

We bought two bags of candy bars, the little Fun Size ones. Snickers, Milky Way, and 3 Musketeers. Then we had precisely one kid come to the door. It must not be like it was when I was a kid. We were gung ho for going trick or treating. We had it down to a science. We had so much candy we were eating it for a month. The kids these days, I don't know what's wrong. Maybe the parents are overly paranoid.

It's OK with me. We remain optimistic in buying so much candy. Then I get the excess, which is much. But it's hard to quit eating it.

I had a weird 3 Musketeers in this batch. Must have been a factory mistake. It was a half 3 Musketeers candy bar, no wrapping, and looked like it was sliced at a 45 degree angle on one end, with some little groove marks. I didn't examine it before throwing it away, so that's just my take with one glance.

They obviously make millions of 3 Musketeers bars and I'm sure this one hit a machine badly or something and somehow sneaked by.