Monday, November 16, 2009

Caught A Glimpse Of Alf

I was exercising last night at the exercise place. And I was trying to find a particular channel, one that had Andy Griffith on. I could see it across the room on one of the main TVs, but I'm not familiar with where any channel is on the TV there.

As I going at it, exercising and searching at the same time, I was pushing the channel UP button and getting the picture and moving on. In the process I caught a glimpse of Alf for about a second. I wonder what channel that was. Are they showing reruns of Alf?

It's funny I didn't stop on it. That was a favorite show of mine at the time, way back when. But the bottom totally fell out on my interest in it. My interest hasn't held even in the sense of it being a nostalgic favorite.

I wonder what the chances are of that. Since most things that we like from years ago, we still have a soft spot in our hearts for, and would want to see it a few times years later. But for some unknown reason that doesn't hold for Alf. Or Married With Children, which I was crazy for when it was first on. Really crazy for. No more.

I watched the Andy Griffith episode for a little while -- I didn't have any sound -- and even that was not very interesting (without sound). So I flipped over and was going to watch two women shooting pool, except I tuned in right at the end, so I saw one woman's last five shots, then she won a big silver cup and that was it.

TV with the sound off isn't very interesting. It's about the same as with the sound on.