Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A Whole Year Since The Election

2008 was a killer for me, all the waiting, all the political suffering. It didn't seem like we'd ever get to the election. Then we finally, finally did. And now it's been an entire year since!

How is President Obama doing? I think he's doing pretty much OK. I would prefer a more out and out liberal agenda, and more of an out and out killer instinct to get it. I don't like the idea of pussyfootin' around with political enemies when you're President of the United States.

I think this health-care thing could've been better. And it could've been done sooner. Maybe not, because I'm not really there to know. I tend to think the president has more power than he uses. I imagine he could've twisted some arms off and broken some knee caps, politically speaking.

As far as the Democrats in Congress, I don't like it that they're going a hundred different ways, always in rebellion over one thing or another. I think a surer way to bury the Republicans is to govern as Democrats with good Democratic principles. And among those principles I don't mean shooting yourself in the foot while no sense of direction.

Now it's election day again, and the Republicans have a mixed bag. They're going to spin it as a big night for them, that Obama's bad and the Republicans are good. It doesn't really mean that, but just wait and see.

What happens in 2010, I'm hoping we get our act together and crush them. But if 2009 is any guide, I don't know that it will happen.