Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Coming

Halloween always comes this time of the year. It's got this little block of time scoped out and claimed.

You go through the stores and see all the orange and black. Some of it's quite elaborate, meaning there's a lot of merchandising artists with good jobs somewhere.

It all has to be coordinated with the layout of the store, which in the case of some of the big ones, they have it down to an exact science. I wonder how far in advance all this has to be done. The Halloween division at the merchandising place cranks up, when? The day after Halloween for next year? I don't know. Then they get to take off from March till October 31, while the printing place is getting all the specs, cranking it out.

I see a piece, a big three panel presentation hanging from the rafters of a big store and wonder about the production angle to it, who all had to sign off on it at every step along the way before I could look up and see the finished product, a spider with some scary font next to it, words pointing me to the candy aisle.

Halloween deserves our best, though, so let's give all those people a hand! And a raise!