Friday, February 27, 2009

Be Chastened

I don't want to give any useful advice to the Republicans/conservatives. I want them to slash their own political wrists, throats, whatever, that they might leave us forever. We'd be better off, unless there happened to be a more moderate wing that could take over, those who used good old fashioned American common sense in their political dealings. But just having the radicals in charge, the sooner they off themselves the better.

They're having some big convention. I was seeing some of it on TV. Michael Steele is "da man" in charge (Michelle Bachmann's words). In his overview of the criminality and bad sense of the Bush years, he dismissed it all with a flippant "My bad." Hmm. To me that's not very reflective. May they go down; they certainly won't be missed, except with a smile.

The useful advice I would give, were I to give any, and, remember, I don't want them to take this advice, is to be chastened. Come up with some soul-searching and sincerity. They act like nothing really matters, that government by idiocy can just be overlooked with a stupid "My bad." Personally I wouldn't put these morons in charge of taking out the trash -- because even a task like that is something I want done right. But add to their failure to govern their failure to realize the severity of their failure. If they cannot learn, what would they be promising us for next time? Probably worse.

It makes you wonder how they think. Why wouldn't they want a sense of well being for their own country?