Friday, February 06, 2009


Pass the stimulus bill already! That has to be a drag, being in the Senate, with their idiotic rules. I swear, if we had 99 Democrats and just one bedraggled Republican, somehow that lone guy would be able to bring the place to a screeching halt.

How bad does it have to get in this country, though, before the Republicans think we ought to do something about it. If they walked by their own home and saw it on fire, would they call the fire department? Or would they debate it for a couple weeks while it burnt? A couple weeks would only be a conservative estimate.

And these are the same guys who bent over backwards for that scoundrel, George Bush. He was running the Constitution through a shredder and they stood up and saluted. But now, suddenly with a glimpse of possible partisan success by dragging the entire country down, they decide it's time to examine carefully every little nitpicking thing.

I not only hope things get better. Everyone should wish that. But I hope the voters reward the Republicans for their obstructionism in 2010, making the third time the charm.