Monday, February 09, 2009

Windy Night Tonight

Where I live the wind suddenly popped up and took off a little over an hour ago.

It seemed weird, since I was out and it wasn't that windy. Then I was walking around the house and thought I heard singing, like a ghost singing. And it turned out to be that whistling sound around windows, the door, and those occasional loud whooshes of the wind.

I was just having a discussion about ghosts with some folks the other day. And after being my usual skeptical, dismissive self on the subject, I've been giving it a lot of thought. What if there were ghosts roaming around? If they were reasonable, friendly ghosts, maybe we could get along pretty well. But if they're like on that ghost hunters show on SciFi, biting me on the leg, maybe it wouldn't be so good. I'll be swatting the air trying to disengage their teeth from my leg. Hopefully that won't happen.

For the most part I like the sound of the wind. It stimulates your imagination. And I hope it doesn't blow any trees down.