Saturday, February 28, 2009

Last Day Of A Short Month

February is four blocks of seven. It's a square month, or rectangular. It's a bad month for renters, a good month for people paid monthly.

The month of February is like an afterthought. It lost days somewhere. It's the "Shorty" of every popular song.

I am proud that I know how to spell February. This was one that kids had a tough time with when I was in school. They always wanted to leave out the first "r". Also in their pronunciation of it. There were lots of things like this that I always deserved a gold star for, if only the distribution of gold stars had been more widespread. I might have some of my gold stars in a box somewhere. For whatever I did, learning verses in church, for example.

The whole thing of leap year babies is crazy. We always seemed to have one kid in school -- somebody -- who'd be saying, "I'm only two years old" or "I'm only three years old." Just because their actual birthday was canceled in normal years.