Friday, February 19, 2010

It's Oppressive To Be Full

I ate too much. Shouldn't have. It's not usually as good a thing as you think it's going to be.

Instead of feeling good, I feel heavy, lethargic. And this is after a really good nap today, a lengthy one. Sometime after lunch and some other official duties, I got the sudden feeling of tiredness. I lay down and immediately went to sleep, in a sleep that seemed like it lasted quite a while. But it couldn't have been two hours.

I went to the grocery store and got some ham, bread, peaches, baked beans, and ice cream. Then when I got home I had some of each thing, two sandwiches and all the rest. Weighty, as it turned out.

So I'm sitting here, not exactly fresh and able to get much done. I'm sitting here in a kind of heavy fog. Not sad, but feeling overwhelmed.