Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Republicans' Cynical Obstructionism

How can any sane person take the Republicans seriously? They are so obviously opposed to any progress in this country, and as far as I can see they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

To the Republicans, if anything is being done that might bring an ounce of benefit to President Obama, they're against it. And they're willing to crow about it far and wide.

I just saw John Cornyn on one of those crappy cable news interviews. No matter what they said to him, he spun it as something terrible that we would have anything the president might want. Then there was Ben Stein, and the same thing. Then there was another Republican, and at that point I turned it off without hearing one syllable out of his lying mouth.

I was just reading that Newt Gingrich now thinks that majority rule in the Congress is some kind of anti-American plot. Of course we all can remember very well the Republican years, when they were singing a different tune. Just speaking for myself, I don't remember very many incidences of them looking out for the minority party's interests and opinions.

Note to Congress: We need decent health care reform. Kick the obstructionist Republicans aside. It is obvious to one and to all that they are not interested in contributing positively to the effort. This effort or any other. Get it done. Do it. Vote already!