Friday, February 26, 2010

Land Of The Dead

I've been to three funerals this month. The latest being today, with the death of a friend's father.

I was sitting on a chair that was much too close to the guy next to me. Because that's where the usher put me. But the chair to the left of that one was open. I was leaving it in case the usher brought someone else to put there. Then when the service started, I moved over.

I was feeling very tired. I guess I got to bed a little too late last night. When we had prayer, I felt like I could almost fall asleep. But I definitely (of course) caught myself, thinking how bad it'd be to be heard snoring in a funeral. So I looked up instead.

When I got there I had on two coats, my outer, thicker one, then a lighter sweatshirt. I was going to hang up the outer coat only and wear the sweatshirt in. So I hung it up, then the lady at the door told me I could hang my coat up, meaning the sweatshirt. I looked at it and it was filthy, with some cat hair and dust on it. So I hung it up too.