Thursday, February 11, 2010

Your Sole Purpose In Life

Someone keeps trying to post this comment at my blogs: "It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others." Then they attach a link to it to whatever their website is.

The reason I keep rejecting it is because of the link. I don't want to be directing people to some weird website. I myself haven't clicked it because I'm very suspicious of all such things.

So there, your comment has been posted. But just looking around the internet, I see this comment is repeated over and over. So now it's been said one more time. Let's look at it:
It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
I think the quote stinks. That's your "sole purpose in life." That's really a cheerful sentiment. What am I, a guard dog? A guard dog usually stands as a warning to others, but even a guard dog, you wouldn't say that's his "sole purpose." Because he might provide the junk yard owner with some companionship. Maybe he'll rescue the guy from a nest of bees in an old Studebaker, grabbing him by the belt and pulling him all the way to the hospital.

So, to whoever keeps posting this. Let this be a warning. It's not going to make it with the link attached. My sole purpose in life is to express and adhere to this policy.

Hey, look at that gnarly guy over there! His sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to me. Poor guy, existing in such a terrible way just as a warning. They could've put up a sign and spared him the misery of life.