Monday, February 01, 2010

As Big As Icicles Can Get

I saw a really big icicle yesterday somewhere. It was hanging off a building, like they do, but it had dripped down and frozen about as far as it could go. It was very very close to touching the snow on the ground. The snow, you should know, is several feet deep. So it isn't the actual ground it's getting near.

It made me think about stalagmites. They're the ones, the rock formations, that go up if I have that right. It seems like the teachers used to tell us the one that ends in "tites" has to "hang on tight," so that would be the one going down. Thank goodness for helpful little reminders like that.

The icicles had accumulated outside my bathroom window. Now I see most of them are gone. We did have a few warm days a week or so ago, so they must be gone from then. But there are still plenty of big ones all over the town. The ones I saw yesterday were just a sample.