Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's Pat Robertson Time Again!

We've just had another massive earthquake, this one in Chile.

Meaning, of course, we've once again entered Pat Robertson territory, who we can expect at any minute to make his appearance.

I'm hoping to steal some of his thunder, so I'm feverishly checking the records of various national curses from the 1400s. But the data is hard to come by. Even Google's records aren't that reliable from so far back.

So we might have to wait on Pat after all. For him the 1400s were just last week, or his constant reality, so he'll no doubt have the inside scoop long before the rest of us!

But I'm definitely working on it and wondering ... Was there some ancient chieftain down there -- and it doesn't have to be the 1400s, it might be earlier or even later -- who made a pact with the devil -- that might just now be coming due?

We're looking in to it!