Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Heavy Metal Thunder

Ooo, I've been listening to the song "Born To Be Wild," as sung on American Idol last night by Adam Lambert. Caught it several times at You Tube and on my original tape. Pretty good, high energy, lots of action. 50 times better than the other snorers on the show!

Of course we all recall this song from a long time ago, and I believe it's been on plenty of commercials, including ones with children riding tricycles. There's someone out there who has plenty of albums for kids, like Beatles songs, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, for children! I used to see them when I had a Napster subscription. So there's probably a very cute version of "Born To Be Wild" that kids like, or that is in a music box in a mobile over some newborn's bed even as we speak.

Personally, I'm old enough to remember the song when it originally came out. But, believe it or not, I've never seen the movie "Easy Rider." Bits of it like on movie shows, shows about movies, but never the film. I'm not a big movie guy. I just saw the movie "Midnight Cowboy" within the last six months. That's how far behind I am.

I definitely remember hearing it on the radio, by Steppenwolf. I liked a few of their songs, the ones I was familiar with. I hated "The Pusher," and still do. Yuck.