Sunday, April 05, 2009

Taking A Nap

I layed down at around 1 and got up about 3. It seemed like a longer time than that. But the daylight outside let me know it wasn't 3 in the morning.

My trusty dog was right at my side. She was downstairs when I layed down. (By the way, I don't know my 'lays,' laid, layed, laying, lain, whatever. So I'll just type it the way it seems best. My little spell thing keeps telling me 'layed' is wrong. So be it!) Anyway, I layed down and gave a high pitched call to the dog, her name. She came bounding up and was in my bed. And by golly she was still there when I woke up.

That's faithfulness. Dogs have to be the laziest animals. Like cats but faithful. Whether I should have taken the nap is up for debate. It's refreshing but also a waste of time. But once it's done you need to move on from there.

I really could use some candy right about now. But there isn't any.