Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Obama's Poll Numbers

Somewhere today I saw that President Obama's poll numbers remain high and the Republicans' remain low. I'm glad.

Let the Republicans continue to shoot themselves in the foot, whatever. They're aligning themselves with all kinds of radicals, like the Fox News crew, etc. I saw a video of David Schuster, MSNBC, where he was talking with a guy from the NY Times and a guy from some gun lobbying organization.

The gun guy was talking for the wacko side of life, that Obama is trying to take away everyone's guns, etc. Which aligns them exactly with this cop killer from a few days ago who supposedly did it because he believed the idiocy that Obama is trying to take away everyone's guns. But everyone, you see, needs their guns because ... I don't know ... they might need to make a vain last stand against the repressive government. Good luck with that. As long as you don't have tanks and bombers, who do you think will win?

Plus, anyway, it's not even going to happen. There's such a thing as paranoia going too far, and that's all this is. Oh, and the Republicans trying to score points with radical fringe groups because ... they think that's the road back to political dominance? Someone throw them an anvil in case they drop this one!

I actually own guns and believe in the right to own guns. But I'm not stupid enough to think my guns are enough to take on an oppressive government. Which we don't have. Duh. It's all such vain nonsense.