Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Michelle Bachmann: Total Moron

Really, how do you get this stupid? Is there no way for voters to judge these people before they're inflicted on the country? Good grief.

Michelle Bachmann, that ridiculous twerp from Minnesota in Congress, suggested that President Obama was to blame for the swine flu crisis.

How dumb, how very dumb can the Republicans get? Since flu and illness isn't a partisan matter. Really, you may as well blame him that winter is cold and summer hot. Good thing this idiot isn't a Democrat or she would have blamed George W. Bush that the Katrina hurricane even happened. We can't have that kind of nonsense. Is she supposed to be a normal member of Congress or is this some crazy performance art?

Then the idiot when on to imply that swine flu epidemics have something to do with Democratic administrations, saying the last one dated back to President Carter. Well, hey, idiot, I happen to be old enough to distinctly remember getting a swine flu shot while President Ford was president.

Do I blame President Ford or the Republicans for the swine flu in the mid '70s? Of course not. That's ridiculous. Bachmann just marginalizes herself with this idiocy. What's her game anyway?