Saturday, April 18, 2009

Not A Big Reader

I have lots of books. I was commenting yesterday, somewhere, that I went to a book sale and only bought one book. A rarity for me. But just because I have lots of books doesn't mean I do a commensurate amount of reading. Because I'm busy for one. Then half the time I'm depressed and/or worried, so I can't always concentrate. And I try to get eight hours sleep everyday, so that means there's not enough time in the day.

But anyway...

A guy asked me the other day, "What are you reading?" And I'm thinking I'm going to sound dumb, but I had to say, "I'm not reading anything." Because I read five to 10 pages of about everything and hardly ever get much farther.

But today I had the book I got yesterday, and I cracked it open and looked at it. The Complete Poems of Sir Walter Scott, I think it's called. It's one of those old editions of poems, the Cambridge edition of a poet's complete works, from around 1900. I have several of these, various poets, and couldn't remember if I had this one. I started reading "The Lady of the Lake" today, and am up in the second canto. Very interesting so far!

So if anyone asks what I'm reading -- and they hardly ever do -- that's what it is, Sir Walter Scott. Gotta get that "Sir" in there, I guess.

As for my new found discipline in not buying books to excess, I picked one up at Goodwill today -- something -- and then hesitated and put it back. So that was good.