Saturday, April 04, 2009

Obama Fried Chicken

There's some controversy about a place called Obama Fried Chicken. I think the controversy has to do with the name, which, coincidentally, is also the name of our current president.

But President Obama doesn't own or have a copyright on the name Obama, does he? It seems like there'd have to be other people with the same name, meaning it could be used like any other word. I mean, we have Bush's Baked Beans. Which even though I couldn't stand George Bush I still ate.

The article said the O and A had been filled in, leaving it Bam Fried Chicken. But I say let it remain Obama Fried Chicken. There was a lot of cashing in on Obama after the election and especially around the Inauguration. If this place wants their restaurant to be called that, it seems like it'd be their business.