Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama Makes Dow Rise 380 Points

Pretty good snark here, on giving President Obama the credit for today's 5.5% rise in the stock market.

I've always said, though, that if people are supposed to take the blame they should also get the credit. The problem with the Republicans is they only accept credit and never blame. Likewise, they only assign blame and never credit. So they must not think that others would appreciate what they themselves appreciate. Kind of the opposite of the Golden Rule when it comes to them.

Daily Kos diarist "reef the dog" calculates that with success like this, if Obama kept it up at the rate that he produced today, by the end of the first 100 days the Dow will be at 25,000. And by the end of his first term it should stand at 535,800!

So, assuming all this is correct, tomorrow would be a great day to BUY! On the other hand, when everyone is a billionaire it might cost $50,000 for a Big Mac and we'll still have the same (or worse) rich to poor differential.