Sunday, March 15, 2009

Watching Tru TV

I've watched a couple more shows on Tru TV. I don't know that this can be a long term thing for me, but it's interesting at the moment. It's all going to hinge on how long my appetite for chases, crashes, and stupidity holds out. I might get filled up soon or maybe it'll take a few weeks.

They have all these old videos of perps trying to outrun the police. It's insane. You'd think they'd know it's all in vain, that they're going to have even more problems when they eventually get pulled over. Come on, the helicopters are very tenacious. And cops can radio ahead -- they're doing it already -- and they're waiting for you just ahead with spike strips.

On today's episode -- the name escapes me, but it was one of the Most Stupid - Most Daring - Most Outrageous chase shows -- a guy who had murdered his wife was making a run for the Mexico border. The way they were describing it, it sounded like he'd not be charged if he could just make it to Mexico. I've heard of people running for Mexico before but I didn't really think you got off scot free by hitting the Mexican border. As it turned out he didn't make it. They had a helicopter harrassing him from just above the road median, then they put out the spike strips and punctured his front driver's side tire.

Other chases included a guy on a motorcycle going 130 mph through traffic in Los Angeles, actually eluding the police pretty well, except for the helicopter in the sky. That allowed them to keep up with him until it seems he ran out of gas. Then he ran a ways but very soon gave up. There was a kid driving a car who kept slamming into stop signs, road signs, mailboxes, on purpose. They finally got him too when he went into a yard and crashed into something. He left the stop sign wiggling back and forth.

The "Dumbest" show I saw part of last night had some great video of people doing things that really hurt, like windsurfing and the guy flips out of the water on to the rocks then back into the water. Or guys on a couch and skies going down the hill and wiping out. Not just wiping out but flipping end over end till they smacked a berm, then the couch smacked them. The problem with this show is they have a few C list celebrities -- like Tonya Harding and I can't remember who all -- making "funny" observations about how idiotic the people in the videos are. The show would be vastly improved without the observations. So I don't expect I'll be watching many of their "Dumbest" shows. I do like Danny Bonaduce, though. I'm happy he's made a name for himself these days, carved out a show biz niche, and seems to be doing OK. Way to go!