Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Tatiana was picked among the eight wildcard singers on American Idol. I was surprised, mostly for this reason, that I had entirely forgotten about her.

If you're out of the public eye for a couple weeks, that's all it takes. They had the whole group of potential picks sitting there and I didn't even notice her. Then when the judge said her name, she seemed to come out from behind someone else, and I suddenly remembered ... oh, her, how could I forget her?

She was very emotional, very happy to have this last shot. It's going to be a tough competition. I would guess they have to pick, arrange, and practice a completely different song in the next 24 hours. That's going to be very rushed. But there's no way, I would imagine, that they'll just have them do the same song. No, because they were even saying something like, "Pick the right song."

This whole process would be interesting to see, be behind the scenes of.

As for the ones who didn't get picked ... oh well. Some looked like they'd be worthy of another shot, some didn't.