Sunday, August 16, 2009

Batman A Local Guy?

For years I've been driving by a house in a middle class neighborhood that has a car out in the driveway with a complete covering, ties and everything. I don't know what kind of car is under there because you can't see anything.

It just suddenly occurred to me that it might be the Batmobile. And that Batman might be living there, possibly having fallen on hard times, or wanting to be closer to the scene of the action, in a town. Maybe he read one of those 'Simplify your life' books and gave up on Wayne Manor.

Whatever it is, it'd be the perfect disguise, because, like I say, I've been driving by there all these years and never suspected ... till today. (A little more on my thoughts coming true in a minute.)

But simplifying his life would mean giving up the Batcave and maybe using the root cellar at this house, or just fixing up the basement, putting some black plastic on the windows. He's all set.

We have a community college, and maybe Robin goes there, having never grown up.

[OK, now the thing about my thoughts coming true.]:

We went to a local fast food restaurant. We're standing there. Our total comes up to a tiny bit over $9.00. I put down a $20 and a dime. So I'm supposed to get back $11.00 and a few pennies. I suddenly start thinking, what if I don't get back the $10? What if the guy has a scam where he occasionally keeps $10 and figures a certain percentage of people won't notice?

On my word -- believe me -- whether it was a scam or not or just a mistake, he literally gives me back $1 and a few pennies. Since I'm thinking of it already, I just said, "Wrong." He looks down, then looks at the cash register, covering his eyes because the sun's streaming in on him from the west window. He recognizes instantly the mistake and comes across with the extra $10.

So that's freaky. I'm normally fairly paranoid. But I'm not normally thinking of this kind of thing.

Here's the tie-in: That really could be Batman's house and car. Why else would I be thinking of it?