Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Rachel Maddow

Rachel gave a devastating report tonight on the corporations and Republican fat cat interests behind the supposed "average middle class Americans" protesting the idea of health care reform.

This has to be very funny to the fat cat interests, because they're making millions and stand to make millions more if the rest of us suffer with a crappy health care system. And how funny must it be to them that with a few "patriotic" manipulations of these people, they'll go shout down their congressman or congresswoman over something that would probably do them good, reform.

Even if you're a Republican, an average middle class American, you're suffering the same crappy health care system the rest of us are. The insurance companies aren't going to come around and give you a discount because you torpedoed your own interests. You're being used.

You're going to get old and sick, or have preexisting conditions, or lose your health care because you're out of work, or you suddenly find yourself too poor to pay for it. It's stupid to work against your own interests on behalf of these manipulative fat cats.