Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Archies - "Truck Driver"

One of my favorite songs by The Archies is "Truck Driver." I've been looking around the house for one of my 45s of it. (I think I have two, but I knew I had at least one.) And today, while looking for something else, I found one of them.

So I made an MP3 of it right away, since it's always been one I liked.

"Truck Driver" is the flip side of The Archies' first hit, "Bang-Shang-a-Lang."

Listening to it, I like it. But the story of "Truck Driver" doesn't really stand up to scrutiny. In the song, the singer knows a girl with eyes of brown. She's gone somewhere. And if he can catch a ride with the truck driver, maybe he can find her.

I personally think Baltimore would be a good place to check. Because he says "She talked about it the night before." Which might be an excellent clue as to her whereabouts. But then he has all the rest of the country to check, the United States, and that's a very big place. Even if the truck driver went to every state, the chances of seeing the girl are slim.

The truck driver is going to take his load through "27 different states." That still leaves quite a few.

If not Baltimore, how about New York City, where the lights are pretty. Plus, she'd go to Hollywood if she could.

I like this part where he says he won't get in the way of the truck driver. Except he'll be "standing on the running board calling her name through every town along the way." You don't think that would constitute "getting in the way"? The police are constantly pulling you over. "Hey, buddy, you can't be riding on the running board like that, screaming at the top of your lungs. It's not allowed."

In summation, this is a big country. And trying to find a single girl by riding a truck and calling out her name is not likely to get the job done!