Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Ghost Hunters On Syfy

I have a little saying about the ghost hunters show on Syfy: "All tease, no cheese."

I really don't watch it, but another person in the house has it on all the time, and seems fascinated by their show about nothing. Ghosts that never seem to make any real objective appearance, although the folks on the show definitely seem to think they've seen and recorded something.

I see snippets of it while passing through the room. "Oop, there's something!" The camera is jarred, we instantly go to commercial! Once again, all tease, no cheese.

At this point just seeing the people on it during these snippets is a frightening enough experience for me. I don't like them a bit. If I was a ghost I'd go to wherever they are, wait for them to turn the camera off, then kick the crap out of them.

They must be making a bunch of money on this worthless show. Listening to mutters, murmurs, hisses in the dark. If they're that desperate to make contact with a living entity, how about just sitting down with some actual living people and talk!