Thursday, September 03, 2009

He Got His Finger Bit Off?

Oh no, remind me not to go to any public health care events. People are packing guns, fighting, and now some guy got his finger bit off.

Look up the names if you're interested in the details. But the way I remember it, the guy who did the biting was a pro-health care reform supporter and the guy who was bit was anti. The news accounts said, ironically, that the guy who got bit has his medical coverage through Medicare. So the next time the Fickle Finger of Fate points at you, perhaps don't be caught biting the finger that's paying your bills.

One other detail I saw, the anti guy threw the first punch. But only the guy who did the biting will be charged. Maybe if he spits the finger out they'll let him go. Or when it passes they can fish it out of the water.

It's no laughing matter. At least it wouldn't be if it were my hand involved. But I stay home, especially when crazy mobs are in evidence.

(We want to see a match between the biter and Mike Tyson.)