Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Good 5 Cent Cup Of Tea

What this country needs is something that costs 5 cents. I haven't priced cigars lately but I believe they're quite a bit higher. And I know a cup of coffee, except at some interstate gas stations trying to lure you in for a quarter a cup, is at least a dollar. Of course it's more at trendier places.

What there is that I can think of that could be offered at a nickel a cup is tea. Sometimes you can get 100 teabags at the grocery store for right at a dollar or just over. So if your overhead in your tea supply, at retail, is right around penny per teabag, that's very cheap. And think, a restaurant could probably get them cheaper wholesale.

So a place could very reasonably offer an actual 5 cent cup of tea and still make money. Especially if you paired it with bagels, which could be a dollar or more.

It irks me to go to a place and have iced tea at $1.50 or $2.00 or more. They're making a killing. It's like popcorn at the theater.