Friday, September 25, 2009

Tea A Luxury

I saw a catalog for a tea merchant a couple days ago. But it was a catalog from 2007 so I didn't pick it up. I figured, look up their website, which I did.

It sounds great, the whole concept of tea. Drinking it. Savoring it. Which I do.

Yesterday I had this in mind. So when I got up I went and made a couple cups of tea ... one for now, one for a little later. Green tea. It's pretty good. Not a lot of taste to it, but you hear it has benefits.

After a while, I don't know why, I felt a little queasy. But I was OK for the most part.

Tea usually is one of those things that seems good for you. I hope it is. The catalog was from a place called I visited that site. I'm not promoting it. I don't have any financial or personal connection to it.

They had a slogan in the catalog that was something like "The most economical luxury." It had something to do with tea being a luxury, yet not being expensive like most luxuries. That's a great selling point.

But you can get plenty of decent tea just at the grocery store without ordering it. But I suppose if you want something wildly exotic, you need to check around.