Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Walking Around Barnes & Noble

I was walking around Barnes & Noble bookstore today. I love seeing all the books, but they are so many and, to my way of thinking, they're expensive, so I ended up not getting one.

I wanted to get this one by Manly Hall, who I've heard of but never have had anything by. He did some big book on the various esoteric traditions of the world, published 1928. I would've gotten it but the spine had the start of a split, just the start, which would have consummated the whole thing within a year anyway.

Since people can sit there and read the books all day in their easy chairs, they ought to call it a used book store. Because this book was definitely used to that extent. And I saw another book that was split right through. Meaning you open it and it falls open to a spot in the middle.

I'll be ordering it ... and I hope there's no one sitting around reading their copy to death.