Saturday, March 13, 2010

No Complaints

I was at someone's funeral in the last month, the father of a friend, and the minister said of the deceased that he was never known to complain.

I find that hard to believe, but of course we're all existing from our own perspective. Being a complainer myself, if they say that when I die we'll know they're lying! Except I won't be here to tell you. So I'm telling you now. I will put it in my will that this particular blog entry needs to be read out loud.

I'm a complainer. There, I said it. I've been complaining today, at least to myself, about the crappy service at a restaurant and an MP3 website on the internet. And the day's young ... but not as young as it will be [technically it'll be tomorrow] when we spring forward for Daylight Savings Time.

I feel like complaining about Daylight Savings Time, even though it's nice to have it not get dark till 9 p.m.

By the way, that's how they did it in the Bible, that business about Joshua's longest day. Except back then they did it in the middle of the day. Joshua said it's 4 p.m. instead of 3, and everyone had another hour to win the battle.

I think the internet is a great place to complain, if only I could make my complaints go viral. I'd be able to bring down some of these big businesses who treat their customers badly. But alas, my complaints go nowhere. They don't make the news. And that's something to complain about.