Monday, March 01, 2010

A Personal Filmmaker

I just read about a guy who was the "personal filmmaker" for a famous rock band of the past.

I'm not specifying the band or the guy, because there's a better than even chance that I used to know the guy personally. He told me in the 1970s that he took one of the photos on the back of one of their LPs and that he knew at least one band member's phone number.

So when I was Googling the guy's name, I find this reference to him, that someone with the exact same name was their "personal filmmaker." It surely wasn't him was it? I remember this guy having lots of cameras and saying he made films of various rock stars, in their swimming pools and other places, but I just don't know. I never saw any of the films, although I did see plenty of pictures he took of other stuff.

Anyway, this wasn't meant to be a post about the mysteries of this particular guy -- who may be dead now. Because I see that a filmmaker with the exact same name did die in the last couple years, even though he still has an apparently alive Facebook page, so you tell me...

I would love to know. Is it the same guy? Is he alive? Is he dead? The guy with the exact same name who was a definite filmmakers is indeed dead. I saw it at two separate web pages, by experts who apparently would know.

The more the mystery drags on, the less likely that my guy will be alive. Anyway.

It would be cool to be someone's "personal filmmaker." Except for me, I'd be so nervous that I'd film them all day only to find out that something went wrong with the camera. They're all high-fiving each other for the great hijinks that we filmed. And I'm standing there with a camera full of tangled up film and nothing. That would be terrible.

That's also the feeling I would have if I were a wedding photographer. I would need four separate cameras taking pictures of everything, so I could definitely have at least one working.