Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sheriff Issues Stern Warning (1967)

I have a subscription to an online newspaper archive. Is there more than one?

Sometimes when I'm killing time I go to a random paper and random date and see what was going on.

Today I was looking at a paper called Emmetsburg Democrat Emmetsburg Reporter, Emmetsburg, IA, Dec. 28, 1967, p. 1. That's the actual name of the paper, that whole mouthful, it would appear.

In this issue there was a story about some trouble out by the lake. Sheriff Dick Miller reported that several private cabins by Lost Island Lake were broken into recently.

But the crooks weren't looking for just anything, just liquor. Once in they left everything else alone.

The thing I like about the article is the sheriff's stern warning:
"It would appear that some people no longer have any respect for private property, and I am fed up with it. If they are apprehended, I will see to it that they get the book."
You don't want to get him "fed up" or he'll get right on it and see that the perps get the book!

To me it sounds like kids, the whole booze angle. Wonder how it turned out!