Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Potential New Republican Hero Arrested

Ahh, they arrested this guy before any damage was done. And to think, we might've had the next Republican hero.
NEW CASTLE, Del. — Police in Delaware say a man angry about his sewer bill was arrested after he suggested someone should crash a plane into a county government center.
Since the Republicans were on board with the guy who crashed his plane into the IRS building, especially Iowa Republican Steve King, who "empathized" with him and 'understood his frustrations', our hearts go out to them that they may have been deprived of a new hero.

I can't believe what Republicans can get away with, the stupid stuff they say, like Steve King and his remark about understanding the frustrations of the IRS plane guy. I can't imagine a Democrat getting away with that kind of thing, let's say if we had someone stupid enough to say something like it.

Or Republicans who are secessionists! They love America so much they want to leave it. What Democrat could get away with such a lack of actual patriotism, again, if there was one dumb enough to say such things?

Violence isn't the way, stupid.