Monday, January 26, 2009

Bail Bondsman Date With History

My bail bondsman rendezvous with destiny is tomorrow. As you may recall, I was called upon, quite out of the blue, without warning or inkling, to provide a bond for some acquaintance who was hauled in to jail.

I didn't want to. I wouldn't want it to happen again. It is cash on the line, risked, and there's the possibility that more might fly out of my bank account, depending on how the system works exactly (I don't know), and whether the person shows up for her court date. There may be other complications, like if she does something untoward in court, which I'm not expecting.

The big day is tomorrow. I offered a ride to court, to make sure it all happens as it should. But she says she already has a ride. So naturally I'm hoping that the ride she has is someone dependable. The big element to that is that the ride doesn't have anything riding on this deal and I do.

Tomorrow. We shall see!