Sunday, January 04, 2009

Hinder - Extreme Behavior

I got the Hinder CD "Extreme Behavior" at Goodwill yesterday. I like the song "Lips of an Angel," and thought a dollar was a good deal for the whole CD.

I was surprised then to read the bad review of the album at All Music. One and a half stars and taking them to task for whatever, for being guys with hormones I guess.

But I was playing it as background music while doing something else and it sounded pretty good. I wasn't paying close attention though, or filtering it through extraordinary sensibilities.

Great cover! I didn't know the album was so old, 2005. Since I was just hearing "Lips of an Angel" on the radio recently. Shows what I know.

I also heard a country version of "Lips of an Angel" but can't remember who the singer was.