Sunday, January 18, 2009

Civic Compliments

Once in a while I find myself in a situation where I have to hew right down the middle of the road, such as speaking about civic duty, then being complimentary to all mainstream political persuasions.

You see this on TV, or it will come up at the Inauguration, for example, where someone has to pay tribute to political opponents. Maybe it's like we used to hear about professional wrestlers. They may be trying to kill each other in the ring, but outside they're having coffee and inquiring about the kids. We do see it in Congress, "My esteemed colleague and good friend from Alabama."

It's a tough thing to do, let's say if the subject happens to be George W. Bush. But you know Obama's going to have good things to say about Bush. You have to. It stinks but many necessary jobs stink.

So what can you say about Bush in a complimentary way without getting in too deep or being too much of a liar? I almost Googled it to find out, because I'm nearly at a loss. He loves his wife? He loves his country? He lead us through tough times? He made tough decisions?