Saturday, January 31, 2009

Songs You Sang As A Child

The Pop Answers game -- at Facebook -- today was "Songs You Sang As A Child."

That's a toughie, because there are different songs for different generations. And if you grew up in a more religious household the songs will be different. Plus, song titles take a lot of typing, so if you don't type fast and get all the relevant words in there, you're going to get it wrong. Example, I put "Row Row Row" and that wasn't an answer, but "Row Row Row Your Boat" was right. So I can see it as a game today that is harder to get a high score on.

You need games with one or two word answers, not "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt"! I put "Skip To My Lou" but that wasn't an answer.

So you figure the right answers are songs, say, from when current 30-something people were kids, like "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "The Wheels On The Bus," both of which were right answers. So I didn't get very many. "Amazing Grace" wasn't a correct answer.

For my grandmother, it might have been "The Band Played On" or something old fashioned like that. The songs that you learned as a child ... depend!