Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sorry About That

I've been regretting yesterday's outburst against George W. Bush. Yes, he wasn't my favorite person. But also he's gone. There's no real reason to be venting my spleen against him now.

It's not healthy either to just be insulting and derogatory, even if in many ways he obviously deserves it and perhaps worse. I have to think of me, though, and my psychic health.

We'll try from now on looking ahead, not looking back. Being positive, not negative. And if the subject of George W. Bush comes up, which we hope it won't, we will gracefully bow out, biting our tongue (if that's what it takes), and head for the exit.

His reign, his regime as president was full of terrible things. We have been seriously riled up by him and his inability to serve as a president with any sense or decency. But aren't we only prolonging our agony unnecessarily by dwelling on him? This is a time for breathing, for a new start, not for lamentation and bile.

It feels good, really, to look ahead, and to let the past recede. That feeling is what we want and what we will seek as we press on into the future.